Working from home: how to set up a home office in a garden outbuilding
Create a distraction-free space With many of us currently mandated to work from home, the home office is an idea that now probably makes more sense than ever before. Naturally, though, you will want that office to be somewhere free of productivity-hampering distractions, hence why setting it up in a garden outbuilding looks like a …
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What are structural calculations, and will your project require them?
Calculating resources and costs Over time, as property prices have increased, many people have opted to improve their existing buildings rather than move to new ones. This is a shrewd strategy; however, it also demands that these people carefully verify their property improvement projects for safety and reliability before the work proper gets underway. Structural …
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A beginner’s guide to designing and building a luxury home
Redefining luxury, one step at a time What exactly is a “luxury” home? The definition is somewhat slippery and fuzzy, but it can essentially be summarised as a home that goes the extra mile in practicality, functionality and aesthetics; a home that has been designed meticulously from top to bottom and is as comfortable as …
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How new permitted development rights let you extend upwards
New rights for building new housing There are certain types of building work that can be undertaken without any need for planning permission to be secured first. These projects fall under permitted development (PD) rights, meaning that the work can go ahead provided it meets building regulations. Recently, the UK government added a few new …
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